
Rum Tum and Scrapper cat

I'm getting tired of the snow

Now, AIN'T that the truth!

I want a two day work week and a 5 day weekend!

It's Friday and we have no plans for the weekend

Would whoever it was who ordered the snow

It's done

Pretty colors Wednesday

It's TUESDAY dadnabit! NOT Monday!!!!!!!

3 day weekend!

A Friday giggle

In the news:

Kitty cat Wednesday (and my new shotgun)

OH WOW!!!!!!

At a loss for a clever title

Just can't leave it alone

Got to thinking

Thought I'd share

The countdown begins!!!!!

Best laid plans.....

And it goes on and on,

BRRR! BRRR! BBRRRRR!!!!!! Le Freaking BRRR!!!!!!
