but at least it is warm today, currently reading 47F and sunny. It snowed some Saturday night, which made driving back from the Imbolc/Chocolate Circle fun, so glad I wasn't doing the driving.
Had a good weekend, it went WAY to fast. Sat I decided that outside of getting ready for circle and baking a cake to take, I wasn't going to do much of anything else. So I didn't. I curled up on the couch and read. I read for several hours and it was so nice, I really need to do that more often. I still read a lot, but it usually on coffee breaks and at lunch at work, very rarely nice long sessions at home.
Circle was fun, lots of laughter, food and friends. The Chocolate Rit did walkabout, so we winged the whole thing using the Wombat's Wiccan Rede instead, passing it around and everyone taking turns reading a bit of it. It was hysterical. It was also a bit different then the Wombat Book of Shadows I have on my homepage, but it was pretty similar and in the same humerous vein. Have to track down the one we used.
As I mentioned it was snowing by the time I left, got a ride back home with a fellow covener as hubby hadn't gone out with me. As I said, good thing I wasn't driving. I used to like to drive, but now I only like driving in the best of conditions, snow on the road is NOT best condition. Rum Tum was a happy camper tho, when I got home he was still outside romping and rolling in the snow.
Sunday we decided to take a quick trip down to Lewiston as we needed to run something up to friends who live near Orofino and we wanted to get out of the house. So we hit the chinese buffet for lunch (YUM), then Costco for a couple items and to gas up ($2.109 a gal) and then up the Clearwater. We drove back via the back roads thru (near) Kendrick and thru Deary, Troy and home. Pretty drive even inthe dark. Have to drive out that way during the day sometime.
We were still full from lunch so we really didn't do dinner, toasted a couple bagels we bought at Costco (they make very yummy bagels) and that was nummers. I still have leftover chicken from the other night, so I am bound and determined I am going to either use it tonight or get it into the freezer. I'm feeling a little hankering for chicken and dumplings, so I think I will whip up a quick recipe using the chicken. I like bisquick for the dumplings, I have yet to be successful with from scratch ones, they usually can double as cannon balls, no matter what recipe I use.
Had a good weekend, it went WAY to fast. Sat I decided that outside of getting ready for circle and baking a cake to take, I wasn't going to do much of anything else. So I didn't. I curled up on the couch and read. I read for several hours and it was so nice, I really need to do that more often. I still read a lot, but it usually on coffee breaks and at lunch at work, very rarely nice long sessions at home.
Circle was fun, lots of laughter, food and friends. The Chocolate Rit did walkabout, so we winged the whole thing using the Wombat's Wiccan Rede instead, passing it around and everyone taking turns reading a bit of it. It was hysterical. It was also a bit different then the Wombat Book of Shadows I have on my homepage, but it was pretty similar and in the same humerous vein. Have to track down the one we used.
As I mentioned it was snowing by the time I left, got a ride back home with a fellow covener as hubby hadn't gone out with me. As I said, good thing I wasn't driving. I used to like to drive, but now I only like driving in the best of conditions, snow on the road is NOT best condition. Rum Tum was a happy camper tho, when I got home he was still outside romping and rolling in the snow.
Sunday we decided to take a quick trip down to Lewiston as we needed to run something up to friends who live near Orofino and we wanted to get out of the house. So we hit the chinese buffet for lunch (YUM), then Costco for a couple items and to gas up ($2.109 a gal) and then up the Clearwater. We drove back via the back roads thru (near) Kendrick and thru Deary, Troy and home. Pretty drive even inthe dark. Have to drive out that way during the day sometime.
We were still full from lunch so we really didn't do dinner, toasted a couple bagels we bought at Costco (they make very yummy bagels) and that was nummers. I still have leftover chicken from the other night, so I am bound and determined I am going to either use it tonight or get it into the freezer. I'm feeling a little hankering for chicken and dumplings, so I think I will whip up a quick recipe using the chicken. I like bisquick for the dumplings, I have yet to be successful with from scratch ones, they usually can double as cannon balls, no matter what recipe I use.