Got my hands into the dirt. The dirty was a tad bit damp, but it was good.
I finally dug up and moved the irises from the tire planter. I started with the trowel, but finally used my spading fork to uproot them. It's amazing how using the right tool makes things easier. Those irises were not coming up easily.
I transplanted them into the corner of the big flower bed where I had the sunflowers for the last couple of years. I won't be growing sunflowers there again, they overshadowed things a bit too much. I will grow my sunflowers in the new bed I am going to build this spring.
I still have a bit more weeding to do. I am trying to get rid of all the grass in the irises. I may just dig those up so I can strip the grass from them and spread them out a bit more.
I am happy to say a lot of my Grape Hyacinth has started putting out flowers.
So far it is just in the west-side flower boxes, but I suspect the rest aren't too far behind.