Anise Hyssop and Blue Flax (photo by author)
Even though it is the start of March, there have been signs of Spring in my front flower beds for the last month and a bit. Some of the native wildflowers and plants I have been seeding and transplanting into my garden have finally taken hold. Even better, they are big enough that I can ID them and not pull them up when I can finally start weeding my flower beds.
The weather has been all over the place. We can start the day out with lovely sunshine, though the temperatures are still chilly, and end the day with rain/snow. We are still getting some snow falling, though it doesn't stick around most days.
One upside though, the time is now 5:30 pm and it is still light out. The days are finally getting longer. Now we just need it to get warmer. I need to get out, play in the garden, and get my hands dirty. I will be starting some seeds soon. I want to plant salad greens and broccoli in my bins. When the weather gets warmer I can put my tomatoes and peppers in them.
I have been busy experimenting with gluten-free sourdough. I have one now I call Henry III. I've been writing about my adventures on Medium. I will repost them ad other articles I've written here sometime soon.
I have reactivated one of my Etsy shops, Purple Ducky Photos where I sell downloadable computer desktop wallpaper and digital photos. At the moment it is just the desktop wallpaper for $1.99. I need to fine-tune the digital photo downloads.
I have been looking at ways to get my photos and art out there. I love my Pixels/FineArtAmerica site, but even though I promote it as best I can, I feel lost in the ocean. I have heard about people using their Etsy shop to sell their POD items, setting it up as dropshipping. Unfortunately, Pixels/FAA isn't integratable with Etsy, so I am checking out Printful. But the learning curve is pretty steep, so it will be a while before I have that up and running on Purple Ducky Photos.
Now that the weather is getting warmer, I want to get back into my studio and start working on more computer jewelry. I also want to see about making more traditional earrings with beads and such. I was given a ton of jewelry supplies from a friend.
I am looking forward to seeing how this year goes.