It probably comes from living just outside of town for 15 years in a squirrel free area, but I am adopting a squirrel. The big open wheat fields and the resident Red-tail Hawks made it a wee bit difficult for squirrels to migrate there. So I was seriously squirrel deprived for far too long.
I probably shouldn’t assume the squirrel is male, could be a she. I am NOT going to get close enough to find out. So I will go with “he” for now. If he shows up with kids, then maybe switch to her, unless squirrel daddies help take care of the kids. Have to look into that.
One reason I am leaning to he is I’m thinking about naming the squirrel Wellington. This is due to my kitty Napoleon.
If you are currently confused about why, please google the names. I’ll wait for you LOL!
Napoleon is my youngest kitty and fascinated by anything that he can try and catch. I don’t know if Wellington is the same squirrel who was hanging out back last summer. If he is, I know he is perfectly capable of keeping out of Napoleon’s clutches.
We first noticed Wellington on the porch when I started putting the peanuts for the crows on the railing. I usually put them on the roof of the little shed, but winter weather and health make getting out there a pain.
I didn’t witness the incident, but the hubby says the squirrel was running up and down the post right outside the window. Napoleon was sleeping and woke up enough to get a glimpse. Apparently he was startled as he fell off the back of the chair. Since then he keeps an eye out to watch for Wellington to show up.

Napoleon is an indoor/outdoor kitty, tho during the winter months he’s mostly indoors. He HATES the snow and cold weather. I will see about putting the peanuts out for Wellington before bed or first thing in the morning before the cats are released from the durance vile of closed doors.
I will build a feeding station for Wellington. I was planning on one for the crows just off the porch opposite the window so we can watch from inside. I’ll come up with something challenging for him. I love watching squirrels try and get to food. He’s been checking out the bird feeders I have out now and would prefer to give him better alternatives.
In the meantime, I need to start thinking about naming the crows.