Express an opinion that George Zimmerman and his lawyers should slither off and die in a fire because of their lawsuit against Trayvon Martin's family and you get tossed in Twitter jail for 7 days. In the meantime Nazi/racist/hate accounts that actually threaten to harm a particular person/persons continue to post with no censure from Twitter. Go figure.
Oh well, working on getting word to various followers there letting them know what is up and if they can get the word out. In the meantime I have other avenues of expressing myself.
It's the 7th day of December and I was out in the yard putting up the rest of my holiday lights and decorations while dressed in a t-shirt, leggings and flip flops.
December. In North Idaho. Almost 50 degrees out today. This is so not normal. Usually there is some snow and if not, it is cold and even I will start to layer up the clothes.
But no, balmy weather, tho cloudy. Started raining after I was done. But there is no such thing as climate change. Nope, no sirree! Balmy weather and flip flops are normal for North Idaho winters.
SIGH. At least this will be helping to keep our heating bill down. Our electrical usage has gone up thanks to the oxygen concentrator I'm on when at home. Only time it is off is when I leave the house and take the portable oxygen bottles.
Okay, I will admit that the phrase "slowly & painfully" was used in the offending tweet. It was still an opinion and not a wish.