So, apparently pneumonia is serious.

I found out the hard way. So, chugging along thru July, recuperating from the Maine trip (will finish blogging about that soon, I promise) and I ended up home for a few days with a minor upper respiratory issue. Not biggie, usually get over those pretty fast.

2 days of feeling better and then went downhill over a weekend. Loaded up on Tussin DM and tissue.Felt crappy enough I even told hubby I wanted to go to RapidCare first thing Monday morning and emailed work to let them know I wasn't coming in.

How crappy was I feeling? I usually have to get dragged to the doctor when I am feeling sick. This time I volunteered.

So we go in and I get diagnosed with bronchitis. Prescribed a Z-pac and the good cough syrup and home I go.

I usually avoid Z-pac, it makes me prefer the bronchitis, but I was feeling crappy enough to not listen to my better judgement.

So the next 5 days I want to die, not eating, drinking tea and doing cough syrup every 4 hours. By the 5th day, starting to feel a little better and fingers crossed I was on the mend.

Wake up the morning of July 27 and felt like crap. Took a shower, coughed up a lot of crap out of my lungs and settled into my chair.

Hubby looks at me and says "I think we may need to run you into ReadyCare again", to which I reply, that was exactly what I was thinking.

So off to Pullman we go. I just chilled in the passenger seat with my eyes closed trying to not cough much. Get to ReadyCare, check in and we take a seat and I lean against hubby just to rest some more.

Got to the exam room and they put the blood oxy thingie on my finger and asked what was up. Told him about the bronchitis, Z-pack and all and was still feeling crappy. Well, he says my O2 was 88 and he was pretty sure I had pneumonia.

On the one hand, crap, on the other hand I was half expecting him to tell me I was imagining it all and just go home and finish recuperating from the bronchitis.

So I get loaded into a wheelchair and we went downstairs to the ER (my doctor's office is attached to Pullman Regional Hospital) and onto the bed in ER and hooked up to the blood oxy monitor.

O2 was 70.


Okay, I didn't eep. I kind of went, whoa. The nurses went into high gear and got me hooked up to oxygen, IVs and what not. Poor hubby had to sit and watch and worry.

And take photos LOL! The nurse gave him a look and he said she will insist. Hell I will insist, no pics, it didn't happen! Besides, pictures are my long term memory storage now.

So here is me in the ER:

After a CAT scan and a couple of xrays, they decided I was getting admitted. It wasn't until I got to the room I discovered I was in ICU. I was confused, ICU is where they put the really sick people. I only had a bit of pneumonia.

Needless to say, my brain had gone on vacay and I wasn't thinking straight. Then again, I am still having difficulty adjusting to I WAS REALLY REALLY REALLY SICK! 6 days in ICU sick. 8 days in hospital in total.

The hubby keeps telling me I was fading in and out all Saturday morning and that I kept asking to drive on the way to Pullman. Don't remember that. I thought I was fairly alert considering I was just feeling icky.

More in a bit. While I have been out of hospital for a month, doing anything is tiring and I have a seriously short attention span.
