Summer is here

or at least getting here. Weather has been up and down for a while. We've rain in the forecast for the long weekend and I am hoping it holds off enough to get some plants into the ground. I've quite a few onion starts that need to get planted.

Finally got new shoes, the poor pair I've been wearing have given up the ghost, so they will be gardening shoes now. Got a nice pair of ASICs so now I can add walking distances with decent foot support. Also picked up a pair of trekking poles:

since I discovered trying to walk the Arboretum with my canes is not the best idea I ever had. I have to say, they do make walking longer distances easier. Planning on combining walks with geocaching and photography just so I don't get bored LOL!

I'd decided to look at how far I could get at the Arboretum a couple of weeks ago, with my old shoes and sticks. Needless to say, not my best idea. I hadn't intended on walking the whole thing, it happened. I got the poles and new shoes the next day. Haven't been back as the weather has not cooperated, but while not this weekend, hopefully next. Have to figure out which camera to take as I want to not have too much to carry.

Yellow jacket season has started. Put some Rescue yellow jacket traps and have started catching a few. Mostly in the trap behind the one shed. We've gotten a couple in the one on the porch. I took out a few small nests that had gotten started in the one shed, hopefully there aren't any more. I did get stung this last weekend. I'd taken some stuff out tot he shed and I put my hand on my garden cart that was in there and hadn't noticed there was a yellow jacket on it.


Ended up downing half a bottle of benadryl and sleeping for 3 hours late Saturday afternoon. Felt like crap most of Sunday. The yellow jacket did not survive the encounter, it got seriously squished.

Got a good portion of the bittersweet nightshade moved out from behind the big shed:

Kind of hard to tell how it will do. Darn thing is pretty hard to kill, so may survive the transplant. There are suckers still in the old spot I need to dig up and plant around it. If it survives, good, if not, oh well, I will find something else to put up there that the local wildlife would like. Slowly working on making my place wildlife friendly.
