Boy, what a weekend!

tho, all in all, not a bad weekend. Friday we'd gone up to get my mom set up in the 21st century computer-wise. She's been on dial-up for Ghodz know how long. Plus her old Apple computer was on its last legs. So we set Mike's Mac book up for her and she now has internet all the time, a decent computer and a faster speed for doing her email. Not too mention hubby got her printer working again. Apparently Apple no longer had drivers that worked with it.

Had to go back up yesterday as Comcast have fucked it up in the meantime. Hubby spent several hours getting things up and running on Friday, Comcast was supposed to have everything activated on Saturday. Instead they'd cancelled the internet account.

Hubby was NOT pleased. But he got everything straightened out, my mom is all hooked up and hubby is learning a new oS as he's never really worked with Apples before.

So today is a somewhat low key day. Had a very nice lie in and a shower. Went out a little while ago to play with my new toy,

or at least new to me. It was my dad's that my mom saved for me when she moved into her condo and didn't need anymore. It's called a Hound Dog Weed Hound and is a nice addition to tackling the thistle in my lawn. While the weather is cool and wet I can't use the vinegar treatment, so this will give me an early start.

It has cool tines at the end that push down and grab the weed and hangs on while you lift the knob and pull up:

One thing I love is I can pretty much use it one handed as I can't putter about the lawn and stand for too long unaided. It makes for a very nice 2nd cane and lawn aerator since I push it in as I walk along LOL!

I don't think they make this one anymore, I've only seen them on eBay. Amazon has one that is really close, called the Worth Garden Stand-Up Weeder and Root Removal Tool  if I ever need to replace this one, tho it is so well made I don't think I will have to may time soon.

Turning one of the strawberry beds into onions and garlic. Most of the strawberries on that side didn't survive the winter, so will pick up some new ones from my friends who have an over abundance and fill in the other side.

I planted some onion sets I'd gotten from a friend in the other half of the bed, will be getting more from another. I hope the walking onion sets are still viable, they are the ones from my old house. I split apart one big garlic bulb I'd gotten from another friend. So fingers crossed I have a good harvest this fall.

Will be looking at getting my tomatoes out of the greenhouse and into their final containers soon. I have to restart the Sun Golds. Will only do a couple of those and get some Ida Golds going also. Those will be going into containers on the deck for easy harvesting for salads and snacks. The tomatoes still in the house will go out to the greenhouse this week once I get them transplanted into larger containers. I need their mini-greenhouse starters for the the replacement Sun Golds.

Looking forward to fresh tomatoes this year again. Hoping I get a lot so I have plenty to can for sauces this winter.
