Pretty nice weekend

tho he weather could have been a lot better. If it wasn't raining it was cold, overcast or snowing. Not conducive to getting out to get some photography done. At least for me, I am a wuss when it comes to icky weather, not too mention my gear isn't set up for wet.

But I did get a few photos done with my phone at my PWA meeting yesterday. I've about 4 different camera apps with various filters I had fun playing with. I esp like some of the black and white, which comes in handy with this weeks photo prompt of inspiration - black and white. The meeting was at the 1912 Center in the art room and I fell in love with the one wall:

This is a wonderful wall and looks so nice when I used one of the B&W filters:

Then there was one of the sketch filters:

I'm going to have so much fun with these LOL! Can't wait to see what all I can come up with.

Busy puttering this weekend, the holiday decos are all down and packed, just have to haul the bins out to the shed. Had to pick up a new one as my lights won't fit in just one. Left the book tree up. I added the copper wire fairy lights and will be going with a dragon/pink flamingo/Devil Ducky motif:

Will bring most of my Devil Duckies I have stashed at work home to put up.

Did some bulk cooking today. Browned 10 lbs of ground beef in the oven and did a 4 lb pork roast in the Instant Pot for shredded pork. Will package them up in zip-locks for the freezer and easy week night meals. Now I just need to make arepas and tortillas for this week. Planning on lentil and black bean chili for dinner tonight. Or spaghetti, we'll see, nice thing about the IP is dinner will be quick either way.
