Time to kick start the blog again

It's been a while since I've done some writing and such. So it is time to take up the keyboard again and get back into the swing of things.

So what's been happening, quite a bit actually and not a lot. Dealing with chronic pain and other physical issues I am trying to get a proper diagnosis of as life is starting to get impacted and it is annoying the heck out of me.

As of November 30 2018 I am officially 2 years to retirement and I am starting to get those details pinned down and everything I will need for after retirement in place.

Still working on my jewelry, photography and such. Have really gotten into canning and preserving food, my pantry has expanded to my bedroom closet LOL!

Having major issues with my Wordpress blog for my shops, so will use this and my Wordpress.com blog for those for the time being. Will look at getting things fixed over Christmas break.

Speaking of Christmas, the Yuletide decorating has begun. A LOT more lights out on the deck and in windows. Now where near full Griswald, but that is my dream for the future hehehehehe.

More later :)
