My garden is getting bigger

I transplanted 6 tomatoes and my one lone eggplant out into my milk crates last night so they can start to finally grow:

I also replaced those awful pickets on the deck with a nice looking trellis this last Sunday. I still need to build a platform to put these crates on to lift them up and then a lower one in front for more containers.

I am really liking the milk crate and garden fabric idea. I folded the excess fabric down to provide a moisture barrier to help hold in moisture and it lets me unfold easily to add coffee grounds, eggs shells and other nutrients when I need to.

Got strawberry plants from a friend who has a tone of them. Set up more tire planters for them:

Got red ones:

and white ones:

We will have strawberries this year  . The red strawberries are actually 4 or 5+ smaller plants. I will give it a few days for the soil to dry out a bit as it has a lot of clay in it from the original garden and is still wet. I will then get in to break it up some and plant them in a couple other containers.

Hubby bought me a new toy on Sunday:

A very nice corded weed whacker. I was seriously impressed on how well it did:

The grass along the skirting was seriously thick and tall. The weed whacker didn't even blink when I went after it. I haven't quite got the doing edging down, but I figure more practice I will make it look better.

I plan on going after the thick grass on the right with my vinegar weed killer solution and then lay down garden fabric. Eventually I will build a raised bed there, but in the meantime I will use the space for more containers for plants. I want to get the skirting put back up properly before I build the new bed there. Not to mention getting it painted.

I still need to transplant the bitter nightshade from out back. I've also found a DIY idea for making a bird bath using a tomato cage. Just need to find a suitable container for the bath itself. Need to finish going thru the shed to see if I have anything at hand. I will set it up next to the remnants of the birch tree and plant the nightshade around it and thru it to give it stability and to shape the nightshade into a shelter for critters. Should look really nice when I get it done.

Will also be making watering stations for bees also. I've some really nice abalone shells I can use. Will use this as inspiration.

I will also be planting bee, hummingbird and butterfly friendly flowers where ever I can. Will work on making hanging containers for around the deck and nice looking pots I can move around the yard. Have to see what kind of bushes would work for the side of my lawn right alongside the downhill neighbor. That strip along the base of their place is still seriously squishy from the wet we had this winter and spring. Won't plant too close to their skirting, put a few in a couple feet out so they have access without problems.
