Finally get in to see my doctor yesterday about the BP meds he put me on and to find out the results of the x-ray on my tailbone. My BP is back down to normal for me, I really think the rise in numbers is from the accident. Body is still stressed. Unfortunately a cough I picked up seems to be caused by the meds, so he is switching me to a different medication.
No cracks or breaks in my tailbone. It is however riddled with arthritis.
So now I've got an arthritic butt, tail bone at least. Apparently trauma such as a car being driven over a bone like that can trigger arthritis, so I have to live with it. Definitely will be doubling down on anti-inflammatories such as turmeric and sweet potatoes. My turmeric should be about ready to harvest so I can get more tincture going and a couple more roots planted to grow for the next year.
Snowing again. Still snowing. At least the temps are warmer for a couple days. Should have a couple days of no snow, then snow again. I am so tired of snow at the moment.
Napoleon was totally adorable yesterday:
He actually curled up in myy lap a couple times this last weekend. I think he is discovering that he gets pets and scritches when he does. Now I just need to figure out how to turn his "attack mommy's hands and shred them" button off.
No cracks or breaks in my tailbone. It is however riddled with arthritis.
So now I've got an arthritic butt, tail bone at least. Apparently trauma such as a car being driven over a bone like that can trigger arthritis, so I have to live with it. Definitely will be doubling down on anti-inflammatories such as turmeric and sweet potatoes. My turmeric should be about ready to harvest so I can get more tincture going and a couple more roots planted to grow for the next year.
Snowing again. Still snowing. At least the temps are warmer for a couple days. Should have a couple days of no snow, then snow again. I am so tired of snow at the moment.
Napoleon was totally adorable yesterday:
He actually curled up in myy lap a couple times this last weekend. I think he is discovering that he gets pets and scritches when he does. Now I just need to figure out how to turn his "attack mommy's hands and shred them" button off.