I say again. BBBBBRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thankfully the weather looks to be warming up by the end of the week, so that is good. My mom and aunt will be coming into town next week, so that will be nice.

Time to start getting ready for turkey day, I am so not ready for it, have to finish menu planning. Tho that won't be hard, just have to decide on what new dish to try out. Looking at a leek and mushroom bread pudding (gluten free of course) so I can have something to go with turkey while everyone else can have regular crock pot dressing.

Now have a 2nd refrigerator installed in the kitchen. Lost a lot more shelving and storage than I thought I would. Have to get creative with storage now. Also gives me a reason to jettison a number of small appliances I really don't use anymore and that took up valuable real estate. Got a nice pile of things by the front door awaiting the trip to the Hope Center.

This one is a side by side. We've disconnected the electronics for the freezer door since the ice maker or something in it didn't work. We've the ice make in the other freezer, so don't need a 2nd (at least this winter). Took the ice maker out and that give me tall storage on that top shelf.

So the sorting of the deep freeze has started and reorganization of all 3 freezers has begun. It will also be nice to have more fridge room, esp when I am doing a big cooking project, like turkey day. It is also nice to have a fridge I don't have to get now on my hands and knees just to find out what is on the bottom shelf for a change LOL!

Went to my monthly Palouse Women Artists meeting yesterday. So many women there, it was wonderful. The energy generated was fantastic. LOTS of shows and events coming up, so gotta get started on those.

Will be doing my dead tree edition Yule tree again this year. Will start on building it early so I can play around with the structure a bit before decorating it. Want to see how tall I can build it. Once turkey day is over, the decorating begins!!!!!!!
