Hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving had a good one. Mine was nice and low key and no major disasters. The only problems is the probe on my thermometer gave up the ghost and I broke a big mixing spoon. So as bad things go, not a problem.

We'd gotten a 23 lb bird and since I'd decided to get the stuffing ready the day a head, getting it into the oven was pretty quick. I've given up on find a GF bread stuffing I love, so a friend suggested a savoury mashed potato stuffing. YUM!!!!!! I made a regular bread stuffing that went into the slow cooker for hubby.

Kept the menu simple, GF potato rolls, mashed potatoes two ways (regular and the stuffing), roasted sweet potatoes, turkey of course and gravy. Nibbles were sweet pickles, mushrooms, celery and olives. And I didn't forget the cranberry sauce out of a can LOL!

So now I have several big baggies of turkey in the fridge. A BIG batch of turkey-mushroom gravy. The carcass is in the deep freeze to be made into stock. So I am a happy cook.

NO pictures tho, was too busy kicking back and enjoying the day with the hubby and a friend.

Traffic to my shops has gone up quite a bit, still no sales from my Etsy shop yet, but the more people wander thru, the more chances someone will see something they like. So to help towards the effort I have some sales happening in my Etsy shop:

Featured products 20% off. Use coupon code BLACKFRIDAYSALE valid thru 11/23/12 11:59 pm (Pt)

For the rest of the weekend the rest is 15% off. Use coupon code HOLIDAYSAVINGS valid thru 11-26-12 11:59 pm (Pt)

Going to just kick back and relax the rest of the weekend. Putter about the house, try and get a head on house cleaning without going overboard. Maybe get my peg board up to hang my pots and pans so I can have more room in the under cabinets to store stuff from spaces I want to use for food storage.


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