New camera

So my poor Lumix DMC-FH20 has issues. The ring with the shutter fell off and fell apart. The sensor is seriously full of dust that shows up on my pictures. I've also gone as far as I can go with the quality of pictures. I still want a DSLR, got my eye on a Canon Rebel T1 at Costco that comes with two lenses, but it will be a while before I can even think to afford it.

So in the meantime hubby scored a deal:

My new camera

Yes, it does look like my old camera, this is the DMC FH25, a newer model with improved everything and a couple more scene modes, such as pinhole:


I've been having fun with the pinhole mode, gives the effect of using a pinhole camera (which I liked making and playing with as a kid in science class).

The food mode is even better:


And it is 16.1 megapixels instead of the 14.1 megapixels of my old camera so I can print larger pictures with no loss of quality.

Can't wait until I get a nice day to go out and do more outside pics with it.

Speaking of pics, I have been getting lots of compliments on my photos showing at the Wellness Center, so I am happy :D


Stan said…
That FH20 is a nice camera in the point-and-shoot variety! If a dSLR looks out of the price range, you might look at some of the mirrorless cameras that have interchangeable lenses. Most of them have good-sized sensors (usually micro 4/3 or APS-C), which is nice for getting higher quality images. More light able to hit the sensor generally = less grain = better pictures.

Some of the mirrorless cameras are in the same pricerange as the Rebel (some higher!), but a lot are less expensive and have lower-cost lenses too. IMHO they're a good in-between whether because a dSLR is too expensive or too complicated. I've been considering picking one up as a camera to keep in the car for the many instances when I'm just driving around without any of my pro equipment and see something that's I want to photograph.
Stan said…
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JeanC said…
Thanks for the tip. I will look at doing some research and see what I can find. Every time I turn around I find another camera I want, so I will keep lusting after all of them until I finally have the money and the chance to buy one.

I do love my little point and shoot, will NOT be giving it up when I get a bigger camera. I love being able to pull it out of my pocket and quick snap a shot that looks just as good as a bigger camera. Just want the flexibility having the two kinds will give me :)