Dear Mother Nature

You can stop now, I think we have plenty of snow to last us a while:

Tuesday morning

Tuesday morning

Tuesday morning

Tuesday morning

Rum Tum is an extremely happy kitten.

My mom and brother flew in yesterday, tho they couldn't land at the Moscow-Pullman airport. They went to Lewiston. Hubby wasn't well enough to drive down to get them and I would have been a complete and total wreak if I tried. So they came up via Valley Transit and got stuck a few miles south of Moscow when there was a serious slide off of a tractor trailer or two. They didn't get into Moscow until after 7. We picked them up at the SUB and hit Arby's to get them dinner and then to their hotel.

Original plans were, hotel and then out for dinner, but hubby was getting anxious about our road and wanted to get home ASAP. The road wasn't too bad and we got home okay. I don' think the winds they were predicting for our area arrived, which is a good thing. Was hoping for a snow day, but no such luck.

Mom was going to rent a car, but after seeing the snow, decided not to. We'll provide chauffeur duties (well, hubby will LOL!). We'll pick them up this evening for dinner and then tomorrow to spend the day and again on Thursday. Hopefully by Friday it will be decent enough I can take them out on a day trip somewhere.

Will hit the store tomorrow to pick up the last few things I need for Thursday. I'm baking a ham tomorrow for Wed dinner and tonight plan on beef and potatoes and whatever veggies I have in the deep freeze. I'll get the GF bread made tomorrow so that will be ready for stuffing on Thursday.


moni said…
Wow, Jean, that is a lot of snow but also very pretty. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
JeanC said…
Yeah, it is very pretty, but a little too much for this time of year. Luckily the hubby is good with driving in it, I start to curl up in a fetal position if I even think of trying to drive in it LOL!

Hope you are having a good Thanksgiving also :)