Monday morning food porn

So I discovered I had an elk roast hiding in the deep freeze, so I decided that would be dinner last night. I browned it in an oven safe pan with some olive oil, sweet onions and mushrooms. Seasoned the roast with some kosher salt and pepper and then a goodly dose of balsamic vinegar just before putting it in the oven to finish cooking.

When the roast was out and resting, I decided I wanted gravy, so popped 3 tablespoons butter in to melt in the pan and mixed in the onions and 'shrooms. I then sprinkled in rice flour, instead of wheat flour and made my gravy from there.

Came out totally rich, thick and delish! Hubby hadn't realized it wasn't my regular gravy with wheat flour until I told him. So now I know I can make nice thick gravy gluten free.

The neighbors had gifted me with some sweet potato french fries, so that is what I had with my elk and gravy, hubby doesn't care for sweet potatoes, so he got regular fries.

Didn't get a whole lot done yesterday, started feeling like crap. So we watched movies and then the race.
