Have I ever mentioned I hate Mondays?

Blech! Even tho we were in bed early, waking up this morning was really, really difficult. Course, not being able to sleep thru the night didn't help much. I did have a short conversation with Tigger about 5 am when nature called. I just wish he wouldn't dive out the window. If he didn't want me to know he was there he shouldn't have spoken first.

Oh well, at least he is still coming in and I am sure he is sticking around for part of the night. I just need to get him to come in earlier so I can start closing the kitty window again. Esp when it is raining out. Rum Tum gains about 15 pounds when he gets soaking wet! He's a very absorbent kitty. Thankfully he was kind enough to NOT jump into bed with us while sopping wet.

Went fishing on Saturday. Lousy luck, but still a good days fishing. Hubby caught what we think is his best catch yet, a rainbow about 13 1/2 inches long:

big fishie

I butterflied it out (managed a pretty good job of it even tho I didn't know how to do it. Found a vid on YouTube later and I actually did it right!). Seasoned some rice flour with garlic powder and some seasoned salt, dredged the fish and fried it in some butter with olive oil. Very tasty, the rice flour makes a very nice dredge.

Sunday didn't get a whole lot done. We'd hoped to go fishing again, but it was on again, off again rain. I loves me my fishing, but not that much hehehehehe. So we got the boat stored and covered (and hopefully some fishing next weekend).

Cooked some pork loin roast for dinner last night. Seasoned with a bit of garlic powder and Chinese 5 spice. I cooked up some rice and when the pork was done, poured off the juices into a fat separator and used the juice to flavor some of the Greek yogurt for a sauce. Made a very good dinner. Can't wait to lay in more of the yogurt for future meals.
