So wandered out to the Boomershoot site yesterday for the media day. Had a very good time, tho was rather soaked (at least my shoes were) by the time we were done. Due to the wet weather, a few people didn't make it so things were accelerated and I was home taking a nap by 2:30 or so.
As mentioned, it was a little damp:
At the shed for putting the explosive targets together:
Checking to see if the target boxes will fit in the new bags:
One of the components that some silly bugs got into:
(that particular component is a desiccant, so needless to say, the bugs weren't long for this world)
NOT good eats (the green stuff is antifreeze):
Packed and almost ready to go:
Setting up the targets:
All set for noise:
Everyone got a chance to shoot a target:
No still pics of me shooting, I am still working on the video that hubby got of me. Hubby got to shoot, but he doesn't like his photo taken, so here is when his target went BOOM!
As mentioned, it was a little damp:
At the shed for putting the explosive targets together:
Checking to see if the target boxes will fit in the new bags:
One of the components that some silly bugs got into:
(that particular component is a desiccant, so needless to say, the bugs weren't long for this world)
NOT good eats (the green stuff is antifreeze):
Packed and almost ready to go:
Setting up the targets:
All set for noise:
Everyone got a chance to shoot a target:
No still pics of me shooting, I am still working on the video that hubby got of me. Hubby got to shoot, but he doesn't like his photo taken, so here is when his target went BOOM!