Happy Solstice!!!!!

I'm alive again, I hope. I am actually feeling human again and yesterday I got hungry. Most of the time while I was sick I really didn't want to eat, tho I managed some comfort food like mac & cheese in the blue box and spaghetti with cheese from the green can. When I start to starve I know I am finally better.

An overcooked bean and red chili burrito from the Safeway Deli is absolute ambrosia!

So I am back to work today, a dark and very gloomy day out. It is currently raining and holiday tunes on internet radio are really brightening things up, but if I hear that abominable hip hop version of "Do you hear what I hear" again, I will go up to the station in Spokane and destroy it. Of course I did hear something worse, hubby turned on Christmas music for me on Dish Sirius a couple days ago and they started playing some horrendous crap from the Jonas Brothers that had both of us diving for the remote. Switched to Traditional Christmas on their 40s channel and it was much better.

We do Yule tonight, will be nice to hang out with folk and enjoy a nice rit and then good food (have I mentioned I've been starving of late LOL). We picked up some nice dried fruit and nut mix while at Winco yesterday and I'll take my mom's fruit cake along. It will be neat celebrating Solstice on Solstice. Doesn't happen very often.

Since I'd been so sick, I've not gotten around to decorating and had even decided that I wasn't up for doing a tree. So hubby was a sweetie and had the neighbor go out to the boy scout lot in Potlatch on Saturday and pick me out a tree. He got me the best Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I got it up on Saturday with one strand of lights, which was all I had the energy for. Yesterday I was feeling a bit better and got two more strands on and a few decorations. I'll put some more on tonight after rit and finish up tomorrow. But it is beautiful as is, so I am loving looking at the twinklie lights and smelling the lovely piney smell.

May look at a bit more decorating once I've finished the tree, then again, don't want to over do it physically-wise and end up sick again.


Janus Bellator said…
Happy Yule!

We had our celebration on Sunday evening, including a gift exchange at which I managed to score a 4-foot-long self-inflating Fritz-The-Cat that lights up from the inside! Electric Pussy jokes, anyone? LOL!

And the food...OMG... Kerr did a huge turkey that turned out so moist, I actually thought it was chicken, except for its size. And veggies and desserts and my newly-invented recipe for curried cranberry sauce... We've got so many people who are talented in the kitchen that we're talking about writing a cookbook.

My favorite part of the festival: from now on, the days get longer!