At least my lungs have stopped burning

So day 3 of being sick. Still have a sore throat and general ICK! feeling. We managed a foray out to the store to pick up turkey day supplies, so we have a 22 lb bird thawing in the fridge.

No plans on going anywhere else this weekend. That foray took out what little energy I had today. But we also have a new bottle of White Christmas, so I am well set for toddies.

I'll do up the mashed potatoes and the sweet potatoes tomorrow and possibly the pumpkin pies. I was going to do a sweet potato pie, but that is pushing it I think, esp since I am the only one who will eat it. May look at making one for Christmas tho.

Hubby picked up a boneless lamb shoulder roast the other day. He's been jonesing for lamb, so I will cook it tomorrow. I'll season it with a bit of salt, pepper, garlic and lemon juice and slow roast it with a bit of liquid and a tight lid. I'll save out some of the mashed potatoes to go with it and cook up some of hte delicata squash.

Very windy today. Wind made it hard to get to sleep last night, was amazed to see we were still in Idaho this morning LOL. No snow, so that was good. Only a 10% chance of it today, 80% tonight, 100% tomorrow and rain starting on Monday.

Now to curl up with a hot toddy, see what is on the DVR and try and work on some designs for my shop.
