
It has been a long week, so looking forward to the weekend.

I got my two photos done and entered into the fair on Wednesday. Will wander over sometime this weekend and see how they did. We are thinking of going tonight, but will have to see how we are feeling after work. It has been a long time since I've been to a fair at night. I'll be taking my camera along to see what kind of photos I can get.

I do want to try and finish painting this weekend, at least the major part. Still need to get on the roof and slather snow coat over the whole thing, or at least as much as we can. Most definitely the swamp cooler needs to get sealed once and for all. I'm tired of buckets in the hallway on rainy days.

Still need to soak up some chick peas, so will try and get that done this weekend.Not too mention pull stuff out fo the freezer to see what I have and then process several packages some pork carnitas we picked up at Winco the other night.

At some point I do need to do up more designs for Purple Ducky Designs. Once the online photo contest is over, a number of those photos will be going into the shop. Woke this morning to find that I sold several sheets of one of my Hippie Dippy Hippie designs via a referral. That means someone found me via someone else's shop. So serious coolness. They do get a cut of my sale, but since the person might not have found my shop otherwise, everyone wins. The referring shop gets a couple bucks and I make sales and hopefully return customers at a later date.
