WOO HOO! I have potatoes, plants that is!

Someone on one of my gardening groups mentioned growing potatoes in a garbage can and I finally got around to trying it out. I was given some seed potatoes from a co-worker who had extras and I set it up a few weeks ago.

Potato bin

I was out checking on my garden spots and realized I'd kinda ignored the bin, so I went to check it and here is what I found:

Potato bin

Potato bin

So I added more compost and water and will let them grow more and keep adding compost as they get taller:

Next phase, added more compost

The idea is to grow the potatoes up in a small space. So it will be interesting to see what kind of yield I can get. If it works. I will get 2-3 more bins and seriously go for it next year.


Drang said…
Hmmm, we have an unused whiskey barrel, and some fingerlings that started to sprout...
JeanC said…
Hey, why not? As long as it can drain out the bottom. I had cut the bottom of my garbage can off to use as a composter way back when (not terribly successful) and parked it in the garden. I think some people just poke drain holes in theirs. Just put your barrel where it can get light, add a good layer of compost and fertilizer if you want (I didn't) and put in the potatoes and cover them. As the plants grown, add more compost so only the top leaves show and keep doing it until they grow out of the container.
moni said…
I wish you luck. I planted four good sized tomato plants in containers with good fertilized soil and they all died. Can you believe it?