Kitty cat Thursday

Finally got a couple pics of TC, the semi-feral we are feeding:



He seems to have problems ducking when it comes to squabbles. We tackled him last night as he'd gotten whomped real good and the area seems slightly infected. Hopefully the hubby and I can get him into a kitty burrito with a towel tonight so I can finish cleaning his owie since he will not sit still to have the area properly cleaned.


Drang said…
The doc at the emergency vet hospital--who knows Ratbane all too well--once observed that "It's a good sign if all the wounds are in front, it means he's winning."
Doesn't look too feral in that first photo. :-) That's the "nice people are taking care of me!" look.
JeanC said…
Hehehe, that is a good way of putting it D.W.

We have been working on him for about a year now, so yeah, he's getting less feral everyday. Eventually we will get him edited and with luck he'll finally settle in like Scrapper did. Not sure if he'll ever will, he's been on his own for a lot longer then Scrapper has, but I think we can get him used to being in the house a lot more often then he is.