Day two of home with the crud. Woke up Monday morning with a sore throat and by evening it had gotten worse. But the time I woke up Tuesday morning it had settled into the top of my chest.

So today it isn't quite as bad, but I've been coughing, which hurts like heck. So here I sit on the couch with a bottle of cough syrup and LOTS of hot tea.

Thank goodness for the DVR and DVDs, there isn't really anything to watch on regular TV during the day.

I hate being sick.


Drang said…
My first thought from the title was "Oh, cat box cleaning time!" Which, coincidently, I had just done.
We both had whatever this crud going around is, too. Cut short my fun at the hamfest last Saturday, but I missed no work; Mrs. Drang, unfortunately, did. Robutussin seems to help, and Theraflu. (Alas, daytime theraflu is no longer available in citrus flavor, berry, yuk.)
JeanC said…
I guess my getting the crud this week is the best, next week is spring break and half the staff are gone and as I am not taking any time off, me being sick then would be bad.

Got my tussin DM and cough drops and I think I should be able to make it back to work tomorrow.