25 YEARS?!?!?!?!

Just got an email congratulating me on 25 years service here at the U. It's been that long already? Started school in 1979, worked while a student, then almost full time starting in 1984 and then full time permanent staff since 1990. Yup, 25 years.


I never imagined actually staying in one place that long. Of course I was planning a career in the National Park Service, so working in the circulation department of an academic library is a serious 180 from what I had planned for my life.

Regrets, not really. If I had gone on my hoped for career path I would not have the wonderful hubby I have now and all the great friends. Not to mention the wonderful fringe benefit of all the books I can read without having to pay for them LOL. Tho I do regret a little not having the fun of working in the great outdoors I had worked on a 4 year degree for.

Oh well, such is life. It would be boring otherwise hehehehehehe

So I made it back to work. Managed to sleep thru the night without coughing (once I stopped coughing and got to sleep). Sinuses behaved themselves and I actually felt a bit rested this morning. Still coughing a bit, but not as bad as I was. Don't feel like falling down when I do.

No big cooking plans or cleaning plans this week, just try and get back into living plans. I did manage to get some laundry tossed in the wash this morning, so we'll at least have some clean clothes LOL. As for cooking, hubby picked up a bunch of the family meat with gravy things, so dinners are easy. Just toss in the oven and then pour over bread and voila! open faced sammies.


Lil ol' me... said…
Jean...don't feel bad. I know of a lady who's employed in the U of I's Athletic department, who's worked there since 1975. I guess she's a lifer. Sounds like you are too. I guess time flies when you're having fun...
JeanC said…
On the whole, I have rather enjoyed working here, so I don't feel too bad. Yup, I think I'll be leaving here feet first since I don't see myself quitting or retiring anytime soon (unless of course I hit the lottery and I am out of here in a shot LOL!)
Chimera said…
Twenty-five years? Oy...

Well, some well-known wag or other once said that life is what happens while you're making other plans. Seems he (she?) knew what he was talking about, eh?

And speaking from the point of view of one of the friends you would not have met if you had gone into the Service, I'm glad you stayed where you are.

Congrats an' all that.

WV: proust How appropriate for a librairian!