A very sunny Friday

I am so glad we aren't having the weather Spokane is having, all that fog would be too depressing for me. I love fog, but not that much.

I've been looking at catfish recipes as we are having the coven formal dinner this weekend. Since it is a formal sit down dinner, deep fried catfish just wasn't going to do, so I turned to the good folk at the Good Eats fan page forum for some ideas and someone posted a link to some recipes at the Catfish Institute where I perused LOTS of yummy recipes and finally decided on Catfish Roasted With Sesame Seeds, Basil, Garlic and Spinach for the fish course.

I've had the catfish thawing for the last couple of days and I will break open the package tonight to see what exactly I have and to also grab a fillet out and cook it up to give it a try.

I'll have to track down some black sesame seeds, I already have regular white ones. I also need to pick up some low-sodium, wheat free soy sauce in order to accommodate some folk with salt and wheat issues. But I should be able to find that at the Coop so I have no worries. I'll hit Winco for anything else I need, plus a bit of grocery shopping.

Looking forward to having a 3 day weekend, esp after this week and the students being back. Been very busy, esp with professors dropping stuff off for reserve. I really wish they would do this BEFORE school starts, like a couple weeks before. Oh well, it does make life interesting.

Got to try out my new mushroom slicer last night. It is pretty similar to this one and I LOVE it:


I don't off my head remember the brand, but this might be it. Mine has a little lever to keep it from popping open in the drawer. Made very quick work of the 'shrooms.

We'd hit Safeway and picked up some London broil, criminis, sour cream and egg noodles and I made stroganoff for dinner last night. Made for a yummy lunch today:

Beef stroganoff

Safeway had a sale on the London broil, so we'd picked up two packages of them. I'll freeze the rest of one package and turn the two steaks in the other into jerky this weekend. It has been a while since I've done jerky and London broil is perfect for it since it is quite lean.

Need to work on more designs this weekend. Monday should be a good day to do that. I've several photos I want to put up on my shop and several text designs I need to work on.


That looks WONDERFUL!. What I would like for dinner, but I'm meeting my female shooty friends at the brewpub later. Good food there. VERY good. . but no stroganoff.

Safeway. . there's one right by my Dad's house. Sort of miss seeing them around where I am now,
Chimera said…
Mushroom slicer? Is that what that thing is? I see them all the time, had no idea...lol.
JeanC said…
Yeah, it is one of those gadgets most people probably don't need. It is primarily sold as a hard boiled egg slicer, but since I don't do hard boiled eggs, usually just use it for 'shrooms and the odd strawberry or two.