Newest member of the Devil Ducky clan

Camo Devil Ducky:

Camo Devil Ducky

Camo Devil Ducky

He fits in with the rest of my Devil Duckies quite nicely. One of the grad students I work with knows I love Devil Duckies and got me this one for Christmas.


Drang said…
Oh, great. Just great. Mrs. Drang has decided that, Real Musgrave having retired from making Pocket Dragons, she must collect Devil Duckies.

I blame you.
JeanC said…
BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!! The legions of Devil Ducky worshipers is growing! Soon we will take over the world and Devil Duckies will reign supreme (WEG)
SaoirseDaily2 said…
Cute duck. I had a friend who thought camo paint came in a can. For real! Sometimes men can be so silly.

The snow is melting and you can actually see the streets in Spokane.

Have a tundra melting good time on Thursday.