Woke up this morning and it took me a few minutes to realize the dash on the thermometer for the outside temp was a minus sign. Low at our house was -10.1F this morning. It was up to about -9F when I left for work. The snow build up in the wheel wells of the car was thick and frozen solid, so the drive in was quite noisy. Once we got to the library I tried knocking what I could off with my cane (I keep it stashed in the car), but only knocked a little bit off. It is supposed to get up to 19F today. It is currently a very balmy 8F.


Fairly quiet weekend. Manged to get 3 new designs for my shop up (previous post) and some puttering about the house. I pulled out my one dehydrator and dried a loaf of bread that was going stale. I also tossed in some green onions that were getting to the point of tossing. The bread crumbs were done this morning and the onions should be done when I get home tonight.

I didn't mind the snow this weekend, it was a VERY nice change to the fog and air stagnation. It was not gloomy so that helped a lot. I also managed to get thru the weekend without a headache.

We'd picked up a couple of big sirloin tip roasts at Winco the other day, so I cut them in half and repackaged them. 3 halves went into the deep freeze and the 4th I marinated overnight in balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce and minced garlic. I tossed it in the slow cooker this morning with a big can of mushroom soup and all I need to do is fix a side and some corn and dinner is simple tonight. I think I still have some dressing in the freezer that will go nicely with it.

A bit of serious coolness, I had sent a picture into the Moscow Pullman Daily News a couple weeks back and they published it in this last weekends paper on page 2 under reader photos. They also have it on their website, but you have to be a paid subscriber to see it (bummer). It was one of the ice dam that was forming near our bridge over the Palouse River similar to one I have on my Flickr account. I'll have to find someone who gets the paper and see if I can cut it out for my scrap book.
