I'll probably change the template a couple more times to see if I like anything else. I just need to sit down and design my own template to use, but that is going to take a bit of time.
Counting down to turkey day. I've a shopping list going and hope to get most everything I need in the next couple of days. Need to inventory the pantry to see if I need any spices and it so, add them to the list.
Didn't make any apple butter this year, so am looking at different recipes for pumpkin pie. I will be doing Alton Brown's green beans again, not sure if I will do them a head of time or on the day. We'll see.
I'm taking next week off, so I will have plenty of time to finish decluttering the house and cook. We are having both my mom and brother up for turkey day, so that will be fun.
We hit the range this last Sunday with the VFET, had lots of fun. Have some pictures up on their site now and will have video once I finish processing that. It was a very nice day for the shoot. I got to try and AR-15 and an FAL. The AR was sweet, but mama wants an FAL LOL. THAT was REALLY sweet to shoot. Told hubby he can have one, then said we need to get two so I can have one also. Said I would deck it out in Hello Kitty and he said sure hehehehehehe. So we'll se. It will be a while before we can invest in even one.
Counting down to turkey day. I've a shopping list going and hope to get most everything I need in the next couple of days. Need to inventory the pantry to see if I need any spices and it so, add them to the list.
Didn't make any apple butter this year, so am looking at different recipes for pumpkin pie. I will be doing Alton Brown's green beans again, not sure if I will do them a head of time or on the day. We'll see.
I'm taking next week off, so I will have plenty of time to finish decluttering the house and cook. We are having both my mom and brother up for turkey day, so that will be fun.
We hit the range this last Sunday with the VFET, had lots of fun. Have some pictures up on their site now and will have video once I finish processing that. It was a very nice day for the shoot. I got to try and AR-15 and an FAL. The AR was sweet, but mama wants an FAL LOL. THAT was REALLY sweet to shoot. Told hubby he can have one, then said we need to get two so I can have one also. Said I would deck it out in Hello Kitty and he said sure hehehehehehe. So we'll se. It will be a while before we can invest in even one.
Christmas gifts. I sent one home with a gal friend last night who was here for dinner with her beau and she loved it.