Mmmmmmmm, great weekend!

Tho the Lout didn't come over, he did come down. Hubby hadn't been feeling well and told the Lout so and we expected him to do something else. So after a puttering about Friday and a fairly decent sleep in on Saturday, we hear the answering machine and the Lout leaving a message. I caught sorry I missed you, University Best Western and something about front desk. So we bailed out of bed and stumbled to the machine.

Hubby plays it back and seems the Lout had come down sometime on Friday, checked into the hotel and then called us Saturday morning. Hubby calls the hotel and sure enough, the Lout is still registered, so hubby has them put him thru to the room and ends up leaving a message. So we wait.

Finally have to putter out since we need stencils for the boat numbers (oh yeah, on Friday we got the tags for the boat and the trailer so it is now legal) and run by the hotel. The Lout had checked out and left, not sure if he got the phone message. The front desk part of the message was the Lout had left hubby a couple boxes of Shreddies he'd brought down with him.

Apparently the Lout does stuff like this, just show up to say hi and then leaves again. Just a "I've got to get out of the house" thing, tho hubby says this is the longest trip he's done it on.

So no Lout, oh well, someday he will actually make it out to our house. He'd been down several years ago with the Mythical Chung, but never made it out to our place. Another story. We did enjoy a couple bowls of Shreddies, one box was vanilla and the other was honey flavored. Very yummy, wish we could get them here.

So Saturday we worked on painting the numbers on the boat and working on the utility trailer. We recycled the plywood off the porch. Not the sturdiest in the world, but will do for now. Still need new bolts to attach everything and I need to cut one more piece for the tailgate and then it will be ready for use.

Sunday we had a nice sleep in and I made eggs benedict with pancetta and potato patties:

potato benedict

Very yummy and VERY filling.

We finish a bit of puttering, popped into TriState to pick up a couple items and then finally took the boat out to Spring Valley for our first shakedown cruise.

Hubby had no problems backing it on to the boat launch:

boat launch

And we were soon under way:


Checked out the west end of the reservoir:

Exploring Spring Valley Reservoir

And hubby caught a fish, tho we didn't really want to keep it. What is with these greedy fish they have to insist on swallowing the hooks:


The views were wonderful:

Moon and fishing pole

Sunset at Spring Valley

We headed back to the deep spot and anchored and I tossed in a line with a bobber:


It was nice to sit and veg and stare at the bobber when I wasn't snapping pics, I've a whole slew of moon and sun and cloud pics I still need to finish processing.

Finally got too chilled to stay out and we loaded up the boat on the trailer. That is going to take a LOT more practice. It was well after 9pm when we headed home, so as soon as we got home I ran in and ordered pizza from Pizza P and hubby got the boat unhitched. Backing it in the the drive is going to take a lot more practice, luckily the boat and trailer are light enough hubby could back it in by hand.

Had a quick shower and then curled up in the bedroom with pizza and TV and finished relaxing, tho I didn't sleep terribly well. It was too late to take a sleep aid, so I just tossed and turned all night. This morning came way too early.
