Surgery went fine, was on the table just after 7:30 am yesterday and getting the good drugs. I opted for the spinal block and the seriously good drugs since general would have required a breathing tube. I don't
remember much of the procedure, so the drugs were REALLY good.
I was supposed to be home yesterday by noon, but Dr J decided to be extra cautious and had me stay over night. The hubby was right, our hospital IS the best 5 star hotel I've ever been in LOL. Managed to survive the night.
It took a while for the spinal block to wear off, had to use a walker to get the to the bathroom and tho I could feel my feet, my bum was still totally numb and that did make things interesting :P
A gal from physical surgery came by and checked me out on a walker, and the later in the afternoon, she brought crutches and I made a couple turns around the floor. Did really well and the Doc says I can put weight on the leg, as much as I can comfortable do so, so the gal brought a new pair to bring home. A walker would not be maneuverable in our house.
Managed to get a bit of sleep last night, but was awake abut 4am. Call buttons were going off from several other rooms.
Hubby had brought me my laptop yesterday afternoon, but forgot the power cord, so I had to be content with my palm and some of the games that he'd he put on. Watching the TV there really made me appreciate our sat dish an the DVR as I couldn't zip commercials and I could only
run the changer in one direction.
So I am now home, had a nap and am now finishing this post. Kitty cats are really happy I am home, now I just need to keep them off my knee while it is propped up.
remember much of the procedure, so the drugs were REALLY good.
I was supposed to be home yesterday by noon, but Dr J decided to be extra cautious and had me stay over night. The hubby was right, our hospital IS the best 5 star hotel I've ever been in LOL. Managed to survive the night.
It took a while for the spinal block to wear off, had to use a walker to get the to the bathroom and tho I could feel my feet, my bum was still totally numb and that did make things interesting :P
A gal from physical surgery came by and checked me out on a walker, and the later in the afternoon, she brought crutches and I made a couple turns around the floor. Did really well and the Doc says I can put weight on the leg, as much as I can comfortable do so, so the gal brought a new pair to bring home. A walker would not be maneuverable in our house.
Managed to get a bit of sleep last night, but was awake abut 4am. Call buttons were going off from several other rooms.
Hubby had brought me my laptop yesterday afternoon, but forgot the power cord, so I had to be content with my palm and some of the games that he'd he put on. Watching the TV there really made me appreciate our sat dish an the DVR as I couldn't zip commercials and I could only
run the changer in one direction.
So I am now home, had a nap and am now finishing this post. Kitty cats are really happy I am home, now I just need to keep them off my knee while it is propped up.
When I had Jameson, he was a scheduled c-section, due to his stubborn refusal to turn head down. Total breech baby. And they did the spinal on me as well, rather than an epidural, just to make sure I'd be as numb as possible when the slicing and tugging took place. (ugh!) I remember (vaguely anyway- the IV Valium and whatever other yummy stuff they'd put in there was doing what it was supposed to) the anesthesiologist and the other docs arguing about dosage amounts, because of how small I am. Even preggers, I was only 139. Well, sheesh, I'm only 4'11''! So apparently they decided to be cautious and go on the light side with the spinal meds, because although the surgery itself went great, when they handed me that red, wrinkly little angel baby boy of mine, I was already starting to feel tingly sensations in my legs. NOT supposed to happen, and the aforementioned anesthesiologist was stunned.
Then, when they were wheeling me into the post-op recovery room, I was already wiggling my toes. Also NOT supposed to happen, and this time the doc was just plain worried. For my sake, said he. Be prepared to brace yourself for some serious discomfort, said he. "Discomfort" that surgical patients were most certainly NOT supposed to go through, because of wonders of modern technology such as spinals.
Then the pain kicked in. And oh, what pain it was. Nothing in my past experience had ever led me to believe pain like that even existed, let alone that I would ever have to experience it. I was a sobbing, writhing wreck for about an hour, until they got enough Demerol and the like into me (worried now about overdose, wouldn't you know) that I could at least bite back the pain enough to hold my son and nurse with him, you know how critical that first bonding period is?
Anyway, sorry for the long rant about my own surgical disaster- just thought (hopefully!) your own experience was a little better, and now you can say, "Wow, at least they gave me enough of the good stuff that it didn't wear off midway through!"
Glad you're home and good luck with keeping the kitties from using your cast as a scratching post!
Recovery is coming along fine, the wraps are off and kitties have stopped trying to use my knee as a sleeping platform :P