WEE HAW!!!!! Joy Nash hits another one out of the park!!!!!

Fat Rant 3:

I usually come up with retorts to rude people long after the fact and Joy has some great comebacks and advice.


Chimera said…
"In the future, we'll look at the past and wonder what the hell our problem was."

I luuuuuuuurrrrrv her attitude!

We can apply this thought to more than just body image, too.
MarmiteToasty said…
Aint this woman just great..... and so very beautiful..

Anonymous said…
Love, Love, Love her comments. Awesome woman and look forward to hearing and learning more about her. Body Acceptance is what it's all about and we ALL need to love ourselves.
JeanC said…
Yup, she is great and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. She has a blog, check under the Fat/Size acceptance blog links for Fat Rant.