Phew!!!! Friday

At last and it isn't raining, so that is nice. Haven't seen the near 54F temps they were predicting so am rather bummed. Not looking too good this weekend for weather.

Well, Purple Ducky Designs is now official. I am out of my 15 day free trial and have a paid premium account. I've been working on new designs and as soon as hubby upgrades my home computer to Fedora 8 I can get the newest version of Inkscape and get more done and up on my shop. I will be doing a newsletter for my shop soon, I've only a couple subscribers as yet, but it is a start.

Have to do some serious studying this weekend, I've my 2nd test in my class. This section I am more comfortable with, so should do pretty well on it.

Hubby finally got the utility trailer tagged, so we'll be hauling a serious load of recycling on Sunday, we are headed down to Lewiston/Clarkston tomorrow for some shopping. I'd hoped to get some yard work done this weekend, but with the weather being iffy, probably not.

Lunch today was a hamburger patty leftover from last night. I wasn't terribly hungry when I got home after work, I'd gotten a huge veggie burrito for lunch at the Commons (gotta remember to say no onions if possible), so just grazed for dinner. I popped the bun into the toaster oven with some butter and toasted it under the broiler and heated the patty with cheese in the microwave and then put everything together with some ketchup and pickles. Picked up some chili cheese Frito's from the vending machines to go with it. Very yummy. Not sure what I'll be doing for dinner tonight, I've some chicken thawing, so may pop that into the oven and make some noodle stuff as a side. I think I still have some spinach, which would be good tossed into the noodle stuff.
