It's Friday!

Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday
Friday Friday Friday!

AND.. I upgraded my Flickr account to Pro, so I now have unlimited photos, uploads, sets and stuff. So I am no longer limited to my most recent 200 photos showing. I am SOOOOOOO happy!

I also have all of next week off. Still have to finalize turkey day plans. We've got an invite to a friend's dinner, but I also have a friend who was coming over. So need to get everything figured out.

Did the turkey shoot last night, had fun, won't win the turkey tho. I had trouble seeing thru the teeny, tiny peep hole on the sights, but I did pretty good considering. Had a pretty decent grouping even it all of them weren't on the spot. Saw some of the targets of the other shooters, some seriously tight groupings. But younger people and much younger eyes then mine. Good to see there was a great turn out. When I'd signed up there were only a few people on the list. Hubby and I were numbers 98 and 99. Have to see about going over and getting some pics of my target. I'd hoped to get some vid, but they had us shooting in groups and hubby was occupied on his own lane.

Having a heck of a time getting hubby's web page right. I really need to properly learn CSS. I'm going to try re-doing it in regular HTML and see how it goes. His page is pretty simple, so that should work. I've got everything set up on my laptop, so I can fiddle with code at lunch.

Hubby emailed, our Avista bill is going UP instead of down like it should. We'll see about doing an energy audit this weekend and see where else we can cut back. We've got all the windows sealed up as best we can, along with the back door. Have to get that swamp cooler covered, that may explain some heat loss, event ho we have reflectix over the hole on the inside. Same with the bathroom fan. The fish tank shouldn't be drawing that much power, tho we do have the bubbler running all the time. May have to see about putting it on a timer or at least remember to start turning it off at night.

I LOVE having my laptop, I can post and email during lunch now hehehehehehehe!
