I've been memed!

witchypoo over at psychicgeek has tagged me for a meme, 28 things - perfect for Saturday. So here I go:

(X) Been to Canada - Oh yeah. In fact that is where I found my hubby.

( ) Been to Mexico - Nope. Closest I've been was SanDiego CA where I lived when I was 4

(X) Been to Florida - Yup, in 1992 for World Con in Orlando. My room mate and I went a week early and hung out at Disney World.

(X) Been on a plane - Lots of time, but I refuse to fly anywhere now. Too much BS with TSA and obnoxious airlines.

(X) Been lost - Yup, really don't like the feeling.

(X) Been on the opposite side of the country - Just to Florida, I don't think a layover at JFK airport in New York city counts.

(X) Swam in the ocean - Pacific and the Mediterranean

(X) Cried yourself to sleep - Yup

(X) Played cops and robbers - Of course, along with cowboys and indians :D

(X) Played with a Tonka Truck - I was always stealing it from my little brother

(X) Recently colored with crayons - Yup :D

( ) Sang karaoke - No and I never will, no matter nhow much alcohol someone plies me with

(X) Paid for a meal with only coins - Does McDuck's count as a meal hehehehe

(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? - Yup

( ) Made prank phone calls - Never done that

(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue - Every time it snowed when I was a kid.

(X) Danced in the rain - and swum, fished and run around in it

(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus - Yup

(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe - Frequently hehehehehe

(X) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about - Oh yeah :)

(X) Blown bubbles - Nothing like sitting on the porch blowing bubbles (and I to like to blow bubbles in my milk hehehehe)

(X) Made a bonfire on the beach - a long, long time ago, when we lived near a beach,

( ) Crashed a party - nope

( ) Crashed a wedding - nope

( ) Crashed a funeral - Nope

(X) Gone ice-skating - Once, my ankles aren't strong enough to stay up in the skates tho :(

1. Any nicknames? My parents used to call me Mouse when I was little

3. Favorite drink? As much as I drink coffee, I think tea is my favorite

4. Any tattoos? Not yet :D

5 Body piercing? Ears, two holes each and that is all I ever will have

6. How much do you love your job? I'm not sure I really LOVE my job, but I like it.

7. Favorite vacation spot? Hmmmmmm, I've been on real vacations so seldom I'm not sure I have a favorite place.

8. Ever been to Africa? No, tho I want to visit some day

9. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Yup, I've also done ice cream, cake and pie for dinner :D

10. Ever been on TV? I don't think so

11. Ever steal any traffic signs? nope

12. Ever been in a car accident? Once, I ran my car thru the center divider and broke a lot of bushes. No damage to the car other then minor damage

13. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door, tho hubby does most of the driving

14. Favorite pie? Anything with chocolate in it LOL

15. Favorite Number? 42

16. Favorite movie? I have too many to pick one

17. Favorite holiday? Ooooo, it is a tie between Halloween and Turkey Day

18. Favorite dessert? I repeat, anything with chocolate in it hehehehe

19. Favorite food? My lasagna

20. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

21. Favorite brand of body wash? Suave

22. Favorite toothpaste? Pepsodent

23. Favorite smell? Cinnamon

24. What do you do to relax? Definitely reading

25. Do you have a message to your friends reading this? Enjoy life :D

26. How do you see yourself in 10 years? Filthy rich and retired (now I just gotta keep buying lottery tickets LOL)

27. Furthest place you will send this message? Have to think about that

28. Who will respond the fastest? No idea :D

I’m tagging:

Lady Wolfen Mists


Anonymous said…
Lotsa good things come outta Canada ;)
Chimera said…
I saw this over at Witchypoo's blog, and somehow, I just knew you were gonna send it my way!

I'll get to it in the coming week, okay? Time crunch at the moment...