They STILL haven't fixed the ventilation system. This is getting VERY annoying, esp since it is now freezing outside and it is pulling that air in.


At least it isn't raining, which means we don't have water leaking in around the swamp cooler on top of the trailer. I had TWO buckets out the other night and some of the rug still isn't dry. Thank the Gods the books didn't get dripped on. We have got to cover the swamper ASAP with plastic to get thru the winter and then next summer that thing is getting yanked and we are sealing up the roof.

Finally got some details on the turkey shoot tomorrow. ROTC is providing the rifles, match grade bolt actions .22s. Was kinda hoping I could use Grandpa's old .22, but getting my hands on a match grade rifle will be nice. The shoot is set up that the shooter gets two practice shots, then 5 shots at the target.I've never really shot much from the prone position, so this should be fun.

Phoebe is NOT liking being trapped in the house now, she has turned into a serious whirlwind. I am finding a lot of my earrings pushed off onto the floor. I also think she is getting ready for a growth spurt and is having problems jumping up on places and is scrambling to get up and almost pulls things down on top of her and she is one frustrated kitten.

Scrapper's one owie tore open, so we swooped him up and slathered him with triple antibiotic ointment. He was NOT a happy kitty. And if he doesn't quit messing with it, may find himself in the kitty elizabethan collar and locked in the house until it heals up. Then he's REALLY going to not be a happy kitty.

EEEPPP!!!!! Turkey day is next week!!!!! It snuck up on me. We picked up a turkey at Safeway the other day. Since we are going low key, won't get too fancy for dinner, tho I will have all the traditional stuff we like and that will freeze nicely for leftovers. I do want to try Alton Brown's green bean casserole. I'll tweak it a bit, use crimini mushrooms instead of white for more flavor and get some sweet onions for the topping.

Have to go thru the freezer and see what I need to clear out, we're looking at picking up another turkey from Safeway while they are cheap. Hubby does love his turkey hehehehehehe.

Have to see if I can take the whole week off. I've got lots to do around the house, both inside and out and I want to try and get that all done next week, if the weather holds. At the very least we need to get that blasted swamper covered before we have anymore serious rain and wind. If there is no wind, then there are no leaks. We also need to finish closing in the deck and get a door up.

Hubby is still working on getting my Windows system up and running. The silly board stops working every time he tries and mount it into the cube he built for me to hold both systems. If he can't, he'll just put it in a regular case and then set my Linux system into it's own case and I'll have to wedge the two cases under my little table.

Turned my proposal for my paper in last night, telling the prof it was subject to change LOL. I may get halfway thru writing it and change my mind, whihc I have done before hehehehehehe.
