Been a very busy week with school starting again. The town is jumping and the cops have been kept very busy. I'm so glad we live outside of city limits where it is nice and quiet.
I am going to enjoy class, tho I should have read two of the text books first, since when compared to the prof's book, they were severely dry and boring, mind numbingly so. His book was so wonderful to read. The book is "Landscape Traveled by Coyote and Crane: The World of the Schitsu'usmh (Coeur d'Alene Indians)" by Rodney Frey in collaboration with the Schitsu'umsh. I highly recommend it simply for the stories and the history is an interesting read.
I am going to have to get dinners for Tuesday nights figured out. Luckily this week I still had some hamburger helper stuff, but I think I am going to want more variety for those nights. I will think of something hubby can get started before he comes to pick me up so I can actually have dinner and then a few minutes after that before going to bed. Have to also come up with something snacky to get me thru the evening since it will be a LONG time between lunch and dinner.
Need to do a serious inventory of the freezers and pantry, will look at that sometime this weekend. I also scored more guttering and pieces this weekend, so will see what I can do with that. I've got a barrel I can use, just need to see about getting a faucet to stick on it so I won't have to dip out water.
Garden is doing fine, it really liked the rain we got. I did find one little green tomato sitting on the ground, so I brought that one in. It will make a bare mouthful of fried green tomato, but should be tasty. I picked some more of the yellow marbles. They are an heirloom tomato, so I can save the seeds and start some for next year in my (hope to get built sometime) greenhouse.
The kitties are starting to settle in with Phoebe, well, at least KiKi, Nicky and Scrapper. Rom Tum still has his nose bent out of joint. I thought for a moment he'd moved out of the house completely, but he finally wandered in for food the other morning and got lots of hugs and scritches. Phoebe is a quick little girl. We even THINK of opening the front door and she's out in a flash. She's still too little to go out for any length of time, but maybe I might let her out for a bit this weekend while I am out working and can keep an eye on her. I think I'll work on bribes so I can shake the treat container to get her to come close enough to grab so i can put her back in the house easily. She's also a very boingy kitten. Nicky and Rum Tum were bouncy, but she is seriously boingy and so fun to watch. She's also still pouncing and dragging around toys that are way bigger then her. I have got to get some video it is so cute.
Nicky, Phoebe and Scrapper had me trapped half the night in bed, none of them wanted to move to far away and let some other kitty take their place LOL. Good thing two of them finally moved (Phoebe wasn't giving up her spot behind my neck) so that I could move and stretch. As it was I was extremely stiff when I finally crawled out of bed.
KiKi is doing VERY well on the anti-oxidant kibble we got from the study. So much so she's gained several pounds and doesn't feel as fragile as she had. She's even jumping up onto the counter where I keep the other kitty dishes and their water fountain. Before the study she'd stopped jumping up and was eating out of the kitty dish I keep on the floor (not enough room up topside for all the kitties, esp when they decide to fight over who gets what dish). Once the study is over I'll have to see what the anti-oxidants are and see about supplementing her regular kitty food with them.
I am going to enjoy class, tho I should have read two of the text books first, since when compared to the prof's book, they were severely dry and boring, mind numbingly so. His book was so wonderful to read. The book is "Landscape Traveled by Coyote and Crane: The World of the Schitsu'usmh (Coeur d'Alene Indians)" by Rodney Frey in collaboration with the Schitsu'umsh. I highly recommend it simply for the stories and the history is an interesting read.
I am going to have to get dinners for Tuesday nights figured out. Luckily this week I still had some hamburger helper stuff, but I think I am going to want more variety for those nights. I will think of something hubby can get started before he comes to pick me up so I can actually have dinner and then a few minutes after that before going to bed. Have to also come up with something snacky to get me thru the evening since it will be a LONG time between lunch and dinner.
Need to do a serious inventory of the freezers and pantry, will look at that sometime this weekend. I also scored more guttering and pieces this weekend, so will see what I can do with that. I've got a barrel I can use, just need to see about getting a faucet to stick on it so I won't have to dip out water.
Garden is doing fine, it really liked the rain we got. I did find one little green tomato sitting on the ground, so I brought that one in. It will make a bare mouthful of fried green tomato, but should be tasty. I picked some more of the yellow marbles. They are an heirloom tomato, so I can save the seeds and start some for next year in my (hope to get built sometime) greenhouse.
The kitties are starting to settle in with Phoebe, well, at least KiKi, Nicky and Scrapper. Rom Tum still has his nose bent out of joint. I thought for a moment he'd moved out of the house completely, but he finally wandered in for food the other morning and got lots of hugs and scritches. Phoebe is a quick little girl. We even THINK of opening the front door and she's out in a flash. She's still too little to go out for any length of time, but maybe I might let her out for a bit this weekend while I am out working and can keep an eye on her. I think I'll work on bribes so I can shake the treat container to get her to come close enough to grab so i can put her back in the house easily. She's also a very boingy kitten. Nicky and Rum Tum were bouncy, but she is seriously boingy and so fun to watch. She's also still pouncing and dragging around toys that are way bigger then her. I have got to get some video it is so cute.
Nicky, Phoebe and Scrapper had me trapped half the night in bed, none of them wanted to move to far away and let some other kitty take their place LOL. Good thing two of them finally moved (Phoebe wasn't giving up her spot behind my neck) so that I could move and stretch. As it was I was extremely stiff when I finally crawled out of bed.
KiKi is doing VERY well on the anti-oxidant kibble we got from the study. So much so she's gained several pounds and doesn't feel as fragile as she had. She's even jumping up onto the counter where I keep the other kitty dishes and their water fountain. Before the study she'd stopped jumping up and was eating out of the kitty dish I keep on the floor (not enough room up topside for all the kitties, esp when they decide to fight over who gets what dish). Once the study is over I'll have to see what the anti-oxidants are and see about supplementing her regular kitty food with them.