Survived the weekend

Between the heat and attempting to burn down the house, it wasn't a bad weekend. I still wish we'd gone camping.

I managed to get caught up on the laundry, so that is out of the way. Just need to fold and put away the last load now that I can get to the dresser.

Saturday we decided to go down to Lewiston. UGH! One place was reading 106F on their temp reader board. Needless to say, we wilted. Hubby almost didn't survive. But we did get our Costco membership renewed and the kitties are happy they finally got their Kirkland crunchy food again. Didn't buy much, just some butter, the kitty food and a flat of Talking Rain sparkling water. Oh, and a bag of Walla Walla Sweets.

Sunday I sliced the sweets and used the newest dehydrator I scored off of Freecycle to dry half of them. The rest got baggied and are in the freezer. I ran the dehydrator outside on the porch so I wouldn't heat up the house anymore then needed and not gas us out. Even tho they are sweets, they get pretty strong while drying. Had a half gallon mason jar's worth this morning. Hubby loves them in his ramen and I like to add them to gravies and such.

Finally got the lattice installed around the bottom of the porch, at least on the front and side. I'll do the back later when it cools down and I can get to it. Leaned off more of the porch and set up the lawn chairs so I can sit outside and enjoy the coolness.

Chopped up the cantaloupe and watermelon we bought for the 4Th and got those in the fridge. I've got a nice little baggie of watermelon to go with my lunch today. Lunch is sammiches I made with the leftover grill chicken I did last night on the gas grill (seasoned with Old Bay lemon & herb seasoning) that I chopped up and mixed with some shredded mozzarella, a tiny bit of leftover walla wallas, some salad dressing (I can't stand mayo) and some ranch dressing. I am sooooo looking forward to lunch. The chicken last night I served on hamburger buns with the shredded mozzarella and hubby had the walla wallas on his.

I think I'll wander up to the arboretum to eat lunch and get some video.

This afternoon I have a doctors appointment, so hubby will be picking me up for that and then bringing me back to work.

Sunday we came back via Pullman and picked up a few more fish. Bob said the tank still isn't ready, something about the nitrites still being too high? I wonder if being on the well has anything to do with it, esp since we are surrounded by fields that regularly get fertilized. Oh well, at least Larry and Moe have company. We got 5 White Cloud minnows and they are so much fun to watch. Larry and Moe are schooling with them part of the time, tho the minnows are pretty energetic and L&M can't keep up and wander off after a while. We were trying to figure out names. I was thinking about doing what the main character in Christopher Moore's book "A Dirty Job" does, naming the fish after TV detectives. But it is hard to tell them apart, so hubby named them all George. Works for me hehehehehehe.

Committed mass yellow jacketicide last night. Got some video, tho I discovered at one point I was recording when I thought it was off and visa versa. Luckily I still get some decent footage.

Now on to attempting to burn down the house. I'd just put some hot dogs on to boil when someone came to the door. I got to chatting with him outside when he said something about smelling something burning. I replied it is probably D next door firing up his charcoal grill when I noticed a puff of smoke going by (I was outside on the front steps) and remembered D & J were not home. I ran onto the lawn and realized the smoke was coming from MY windows. I said the S word (in front of a gentleman old enough to be my grandfather. OOPS!) and went running back into the house.

The water had boiled away and things were pretty smoky and the hot dogs were seriously charcoaled. I grabbed the pan and took it outside and set it on the lawn to cool and then back into the house to turn the fans around to blow out the smoke. The gentleman apologized for distracting me, I told him there was no need, I can easily do this on my own with no one else involved :P

Once things cooled down, I grabbed another pan and got hubby his lunch and then disposed of the burnt offerings and then sprinkled in some Bar Keeper's Friend and a bit of water and let the pan sit. Worked beautifully, just a little staining on the bottom, but all the burnt on ick is gone.

So, all in all, not a bad weekend. Going to still be in the 90s this week, but cooling off this weekend. Hopefully we'll get some rain with the predicted thunderstorms. We need rain, there are a lot of fires around, luckily the one that happened on Saturday over towards Kendrick is 95% contained.


Chimera said…
"Bar Keeper's Friend"?

What is this, please? If it removes hard-baked charred former edible stuff, where do I find some (I have a rice pot that really needs to be cleaned of burnt-on curry)?
JeanC said…
It is a wonderful cleanser for stainless steel. Not sure if you can get it in Canada but here is the URL:
Chimera said…
K, thx. There are some cross-over stores on the list, so I'll go bug the buyers until they get tired of me and order some in.

Barring that, I have some friends just across the line in Blaine.