Recomended reading for med students

and doctors who think that the current war on fat people is a good thing.

Here is a guest essay on Kate Harding's Shapely Prose by a woman who recently lost her mother because she had been told she was too fat and to not go back to the doctor for her problem until she'd lost 50 pounds. 20 years ago.

Fat Hatred Kills, Part One

THIS is why so many women won't go to the doctor. We're always told that if we'd simply lose weight, we wouldn't be having problems. Go in for an earache, get a prescription for a diet. Twisted your knee while hiking, well if you weren't so fat that wouldn't have happened. I was told by a doctor when I was in junior high that the reason I blacked out while running was I was fat and lazy. HUH?!?!?! 'Scuse me, but I biked EVERYWHERE in Concord CA daily, played softball and swam as often as possible in our pool and I was LAZY?!?!?! The idiot completely blew off my skinny father when he tried to tell him that was what used to happen when he was my age.

The really funny thing was, I wasn't even fat:

While I have had some good doctors, I have found the vast majority of them are complete and utter idiots who can only parrot the party line that fat=bad.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the doctors who say
"If you would just lose some weight, you wouldn't have all these problems!"
