No Dworshak this weekend

hubby decided it would be too hot for him, so we were going to for shopping in Lewiston instead (his rationale was that we'd be in air conditioned stores). But he got a new client this morning, so he's been out making money and new contacts, so I guess it is okay to not be neck deep in the reservoir today.


So I am home puttering about. Currently uploading a kitty cat video to YouTube and debating editing the vid from July 4Th or waiting until the living room gets cooler, I should let the computer have a chance to cool down at some point.

Started in on a pile of stuff in the bedroom, now I know where half my clothes have disappeared to. Gotta keep things put away better hehehehehe

It is supposed to be cooler next week, hopefully we can go up to Dworshak then. I'm hoping the kokanee will still be biting and accessible from the shore. We don't have a boat.

Got some tea brewing out on the deck. Lunch today was some leftover pasta and cheese I made last night. Not sure what for dinner tonight, probably salad, tho I am getting saladed out. I am getting a serious craving for pizza.

Oh well, time to putter again in the bedroom, I might run the air conditioner.
