Of course!

We install the air conditioners and we have torrential rains that night.


We finally got the air conditioners in the office and bedroom. Had to cut a piece of MFD to fill in the space above the AC in the bedroom to seal the window. Needless to say, it wasn't a perfect cut, but with some galvanized stripes and using the screws for the windows, it is in place. Luckily I used the DAP foam stuff to fill in the gaps and just cover the edges, it deluged about 11 pm. No leaks, tho we'd wanted to use verathane on the board to water proof it. It will be a couple days til we can get that done, the board needs to dry out a bit. We don't have that worry with the office AC, it is under the porch roof so is protected.

Kitties are unhappy, they can't go in and out that window anymore, even tho we now have the back door window open. It is much more fun to go thru the office window and see what they can knock off the bench hehehehehehehehehe.

Speaking of kitties, Scrapper hasn't been around lately, I think he's off being a wild kitty. I thought he would have shown up when it started raining last night. He's come to appreciate being snug and dry in the house.

We did make it out to the range for a bit in Friday. Just took the pistols. discovered Charlotte (my .357 snubby) doesn't like the really light loads. I'd hit the targets and they would TING, but not fall down. The same rounds were no problem in Teddy and Eleanor (my cowboy guns), so hubby it going to not load them so light next time.

Finished cleaning out the fish tank. I let it soak a good 24 hours with some CLR. Didn't get all the calcium buildup off, but enough it isn't as bad. Now we are working on cleaning the gravel and accessories. Hopefully we can get things set up soon.

We did all you can eat chinese for lunch yesterday, we REALLY were craving it. Had a very happy tummy. But since we'd eaten so late in the afternoon, wasn't hungry for dinner. Woke up at midnight famished, so got up and had a midnight snack, surfed the net and listened to the rain.

Finally got the stove fixed. Pulled it out and hubby looked at the wiring, everything looked great, so we popped out to TriState yesterday and picked up a new 15 amp fuse. While the stove was out from the wall I did some serious cleaning back there (ick!). Put the new fuse in, tho the old one looked fine and everything worked, even after we put the stove back into place. So I guess the old fuse was having problems of some sort. As long as everything works, I am happy and we have two extra fuses just in case (they came in a three pack).

Soltice rit on Saturday was very nice. Low key evening, tho I dressed for warm weather and it was chilly out there. Luckily we had a coat in the car.

Managed to get some FLYing done, little spots here and there. No real cooking at all this weekend, tho I did finally get the roasts we bought the other day sliced into steaks and vac sealed. I vac sealed the trout which I had in the freezer already in ziplocks. I did't have to room to set the sealer up until I cleaned off the table, which got done on Friday. I really do need to get in and get things re-organized in the kitchen and less cluttered looking.


Chimera said…
Heh. You got torrential rain. We got torrential rain. The Okanagan got snow!

And some people still insist that climate change is a fairy tale...