Mmmmmmm, looking forward to the weekend

Found a Christian troll on the Huckleberries blog. Typical unimaginative twit:

"I am not afraid of your spells, Jean, or your leader. Sorry. Ignorance is being a witch. Enjoy Hell, OK?"

Was debating playing with it, but I'm not really into playing with anonymous twits who obviously aren't playing with a full deck.

We'll probably install the air conditioners this weekend, even tho the temps are cooling off again. Might as well get it done now. Just need to figure out how to get everything sealed properly.

Summer Solstice on Saturday, we are having a nice low key rit. Have to figure out what I am taking for nibblies.

Hubby wanted beef last night, so we picked up some fake crab and some packet hollandais and had steak neptune with salad and sweet corn. The corn tasted really yummy with the hollandaise sauce.

Just had an odd thought, I wonder if I can make up a big batch of homemade hollandaise and portion it out and freeze it. Have to run it by my freezer group and see what people think. I much prefer my homemade over the packet stuff, but the packet stuff is just so convenient, esp in the summer time when I don't feel like standing over a hot stove.

Speaking of stove, mine is driving me nuts. The burners only work on high and med high and the built in outlet I like to plug things like my crockpot and electric grill into won't work. We pulled it out this weekend and hubby looked at it and every thing worked fine, he figured it was a bit gunked up or maybe the one fuse we can get to (a big screw in glass fuse) was a little loose. So we pushed it back in after cleaning it a bit and I thought things were fine. Went to use the electric knife to turn the roast we bought into steaks (already cut bottom round steaks were $1.89 a lb, the roasts were $1.79 a lb. I am willing to do the cutting myself to save a few pennies. Pennies saved add up) and it didn't work. Plugged it into a regular outlet and it worked. SIGH!

So I had to plug the electric grill into a regular outlet and use my butane stove to make the hollandaise since making it on high heat is NOT a good idea.


Oh well, just means I get to be extra creative in making meals hehehehehehehe.

I'm still hoping to go fishing soon. I am definately jones for nice fried trout. I wish we had a boat we can float on Dworshak reservoir. The daily bag limit for kokanee is 25 with 50 in possession. I'd be in fried fish heaven with all that fish in the freezer hehehehehehehe.
