Going to be a scorcher today

and if yesterday afternoon was any indication, it is going to be miserable here in the office. I may have to see about opening some windows, tho that would involve a glass cutter or a thrown chair LOL. I thought I was going to die of suffacation yesterday it got so warm and stagnent in here.

We were going to go out to the range after work yesterday, but a client was late, so we didn't. We'll go tonight instead. Planning on shooting Maureen, Charlotte, Baby (my lever action .357 rifle) and Michael (the Garand). Yes, pretty much ALL my firearms have names hehehehehehehe. Some of the .22s still need to be named, but I haven't shot them enough. One is called Granddad's as it is the one I inherited from my father after he died and it had belonged to his father. It is a single shot bolt .22.

Still haven't seen hide nor hair of Scrapper, now I am officially worried. Tho I've had kitties go walkabout before for longer. Hubby did see the Clone yesterday, he's got a lot more white then Scrapper and is much more stripy. Since it was warm enough over night, hubby left the window open and KiKi spent the night out. Nicky came wandering in, mewing pathetically. Seems he must have been hunting and managed to fall into the pond again. At least he got a partial bath LOL.
