MMMMMMMMMM, warmth and sunshine

Lovely weekend, even today with the clouds rolling thru. It was over 60F both days and so totally yummy out.

Got a bit done this weekend, dug out a bit more of my flower strip and will rescue some plants from next door where they are getting trampled and B would like them rescued. Finally dug up the big clump of grass in the one corner of my flower bed and cleaned out the dead stuff. LOTS of tulips coming up and it looks like my irises have multiplied. I'll split them this fall.

Worked moreon my cold fram and hopefully have it fixed up right. I did plant some more spinach seeds as I think the last batch got too wet. Figured out how to prop it open during the day.

Friday after work we popped out to the range to test some bullets hubby rolled up, got more vid:

More of the range:

Shooting the M1:

and shooting it after dark:

ARRRGHHH!!! The mosquitos are out and I am being attacked here in the house. Have to see about grabbing the anti itch stuff an make some mosquito repellent I saw the recipe for on the Pagan Archivist forum
