The camera probably won't be here until Monday, WAHHH!!!!!!!
No great plans this weekend except Ostara circle tomorrow night. With luck the weather will behave as it is outside. Haven't decided what I'm taking for nibblies, I still have several gluten-free mixes if I wanted to take backed goods.
There is a gun show this weekend, we are considering going, tho since I have 3 doctors appointments next week, probably won't buy anything as we need to make sure we have co-pays and gas to get up to Spokane and back, twice.
Still need to buckle down and get the living room decluttered for our friends coming down. We also need to check Goodwill for baby gates for the kitchen and the hallway.
Did a little grocery shopping last night and picked up some steaks that had $2 off stickers, so we grabbed several packages. They are cleap cuts, but are pretty tasty. I pan fried a couple in the cast iron skillet with a bit of Tom Sherry's BBQ rub and hubby sliced some crimini mushrooms we picked up at the same time and tossed those in with some sliced and diced onions and butter. Right before I served them up witht he steak I added a splash or two of TJs 10 year old basalmic vinegar and worchestershire sauce. YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For a side I'd found a container of garlicy mashed poptatos I'd put up last yeat (Jan 06 to be exact) and thawed them in the mircorwave and then heated them up. Very tasty and went well with the steak. I am soooooo looking forward to the leftovers at lunch.
Picked up some bulk spaghetti, Winco has a very nice bulk section, so spaghetti is on the menu sometime this weekend. I have some sauce in the freezer I used some of my frozen and dried tomatos from this last summer. Hubby pointed out they had whole wheat spaghetti, have to give it a try sometime. I didn't get any last night as they didn't have much left. Next time.
Getting a wee bit annoyed with Google mail and Yahooey Groups. Twice this week I've gotten a notice from Yahooey to re-activate my mail as it was bouncing. Really annoying thing is I looked at the reason I was bounced, mail ret'd for "over quota". I'm on Gmail, how the heck can I be "over quota"? Needless to say, it ia a royal pain the the tush to have to read several days mail on the Yahooey site as I get mail from a good dozen lists, several of which are high volume. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
Interesting development on the Nicky/Scrapper front. Scrapper was in last night, curled up next to me on the couch with Nicky sitting across the room glaring. Nicky came over to the couch to glare and I patted my lap to see if he would jump (he never does). Well, he jumped and curled up on me! He was less then a foot from Scrapper and snuggled in to me and purred! I even shifted a bit so Nicky's foot was touching Scrapper and it didn't phase him at all. Knock me over with a feather, but it looks like Nicky has given in to the inevitable that Scrapper is here to stay and he wasn't going to let him interfer with snuggling with mommy time. I very much doubt they will become fast friends, but tolerating each other would be very nice.
Saw on the news that they found rat poison in the pet food that was recalled. I am SOOOOO glad I haven't been feeding any of my lot any of the brands. I do occasionally get Safeway brand, but have been feeding them Friskies canned for a while now when I do give them canned. Now they need to find out if it was accidently contaminated or if it was deliberate.
The camera probably won't be here until Monday, WAHHH!!!!!!!
No great plans this weekend except Ostara circle tomorrow night. With luck the weather will behave as it is outside. Haven't decided what I'm taking for nibblies, I still have several gluten-free mixes if I wanted to take backed goods.
There is a gun show this weekend, we are considering going, tho since I have 3 doctors appointments next week, probably won't buy anything as we need to make sure we have co-pays and gas to get up to Spokane and back, twice.
Still need to buckle down and get the living room decluttered for our friends coming down. We also need to check Goodwill for baby gates for the kitchen and the hallway.
Did a little grocery shopping last night and picked up some steaks that had $2 off stickers, so we grabbed several packages. They are cleap cuts, but are pretty tasty. I pan fried a couple in the cast iron skillet with a bit of Tom Sherry's BBQ rub and hubby sliced some crimini mushrooms we picked up at the same time and tossed those in with some sliced and diced onions and butter. Right before I served them up witht he steak I added a splash or two of TJs 10 year old basalmic vinegar and worchestershire sauce. YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For a side I'd found a container of garlicy mashed poptatos I'd put up last yeat (Jan 06 to be exact) and thawed them in the mircorwave and then heated them up. Very tasty and went well with the steak. I am soooooo looking forward to the leftovers at lunch.
Picked up some bulk spaghetti, Winco has a very nice bulk section, so spaghetti is on the menu sometime this weekend. I have some sauce in the freezer I used some of my frozen and dried tomatos from this last summer. Hubby pointed out they had whole wheat spaghetti, have to give it a try sometime. I didn't get any last night as they didn't have much left. Next time.
Getting a wee bit annoyed with Google mail and Yahooey Groups. Twice this week I've gotten a notice from Yahooey to re-activate my mail as it was bouncing. Really annoying thing is I looked at the reason I was bounced, mail ret'd for "over quota". I'm on Gmail, how the heck can I be "over quota"? Needless to say, it ia a royal pain the the tush to have to read several days mail on the Yahooey site as I get mail from a good dozen lists, several of which are high volume. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
Interesting development on the Nicky/Scrapper front. Scrapper was in last night, curled up next to me on the couch with Nicky sitting across the room glaring. Nicky came over to the couch to glare and I patted my lap to see if he would jump (he never does). Well, he jumped and curled up on me! He was less then a foot from Scrapper and snuggled in to me and purred! I even shifted a bit so Nicky's foot was touching Scrapper and it didn't phase him at all. Knock me over with a feather, but it looks like Nicky has given in to the inevitable that Scrapper is here to stay and he wasn't going to let him interfer with snuggling with mommy time. I very much doubt they will become fast friends, but tolerating each other would be very nice.
Saw on the news that they found rat poison in the pet food that was recalled. I am SOOOOO glad I haven't been feeding any of my lot any of the brands. I do occasionally get Safeway brand, but have been feeding them Friskies canned for a while now when I do give them canned. Now they need to find out if it was accidently contaminated or if it was deliberate.
My bet is that it was deliberate. The sheer volume and variety of the products involved speaks against its being accidental. And I heard this morning on the news that it's been traced back to one production plant in Ontario.
Makes me wonder if one of the lunatic-fringe type of animal rights groups is involved...like this one, whose thinking is that an animal is better off dead than in a cage:
There are people who think that no animals, including cats, dogs, and budgies, should be kept as pets...because it's "against their nature" to be "captive." A small group of them went on a spree locally a few years ago, breaking into and opening the cages at SPCA shelters.