Fairly good weekend

Was very cold tho. Managed to keep Scrapper in and more or less happy at night. Ended up having to set up a litter box for him in the front hallway as Nicky kept chasing him away from the other one. Good thing I put down the plastic carpet runner in that spot as Rum Tum is making use of it and he is VERY enthusiastic when it comes to covering.

Weather is technically warmer today, but with the windchill it is very cold. Scrapper chredded the plastic over the kitchen sink window, so I still have to replace it. It was the shrink wrap kind.

Made bread yesterday, two loaves of sourdough and two whole wheat. 1 loaf each I wrapped in wax paper and stashed in a plastic bag in the freezer after the first rise. The other two loaves I baked last night and MMMMMMMM, the house smelled so yummy.

Ended up making a trip down to Lewiston on Sat. Last minute decision that morning as we weren't sure if we could afford to go, so we didn't do too much shopping, but we really needed kitty food and the cats prefer the Kirkland brand. Had a late lunch at the chinese buffett in Lewiston and it was yummy. They have a Mongolian buffett, so I did that along with the regular chinese. Next time however I will forgo adding any chili sauce, I wanted a bit of heat, but that was powerful stuff and while tasty, a bit too much. Next time we go down I am hoping we'll have more lead time in planning as I would like to be able to do more running around if possible.

Sunday was a laid back day, watched Deep Rising on one of the movie channels and popped pocorn to go with it. Big pot of tea and it was a very nice day to not do a whole heck of a lot.

Packaged the split pea soup and got that stashed. I'd stored it in the plug-in cooler we have in the bedroom and there was no room in the fridge of freezers. I split it into vacseal bags and then froze them before sealing. Once frozen I could seal it without sucking the soup into the machine.

Finally got the mead bottled. It's been sitting in the carboy since June and decided it was finally ready. So I hauled in a bin of big beer bottles and some champagne bottles. I also used the big brandy bottle (we poured the brandy off into a decanter to keep onthe alter) and an empty Harvey's Bristol Cream bottle. Good thing I turned the front hall closet into another pantry as we needed the room to store all the bottles. Now I have to finish cleaning the carboy and then back into the storage box and stash it out in the shed or somewhere on the porch.

Still have to call the new doctors office to make an appointment. I got a good recommendation from a co-worker for the other doctor int he office who did wonders for her mom. So definately looking forward to (hopefully) finding a doc/practice that I can work fully with. Esp since I need to nail down whether or not I have allergies ot just intolerances to things. If I can still eat shellfish with some kind of medication I would dearly love to do so as I am REALLY missing on having shrimp and real crab.

Going to attempt tai chi tonight, haven't gotten the routine in place yet, but I do need to do some stretching out. After taking a tumble here at work on Friday, my muscles are still stiff in places. The heel of my boot caught in the carpet and I tried to take a header into the floor. I tried to keep from falling and ended up slamming into a table. Amazingly enough the bruise I thought was going to be bad, wasn't, tho I did manage to claw myself with my nails thru my shirt. I did jam a couple fingers into the table, they have finally stopped hurting.But my should muscles are still sore from the flailing and not taking it as easy as I should have this weekend.

BTW, got a new drink that is quite tasty. Orange juice, ginger ale and rum. Our one neighbor mentioned this to hubby and we dicided to try it out. Pretty good once we got the proportions right.
