Got a busy weekend tho, coffee with friends down in Lewiston tomorrow and then Yule planning on Sunday. Sometime in there I need to finally get my papers finished.

Saw on CNN that someone had cut the lock on the gate that had blocked the road the Kims had gotten on where they got stuck. I hope they find the sorry son of a bitch and beat their ass into the ground. If that gate had been secure like it was supposed to be, there would not have been this tragedy. HEY PEOPLE!! THERE IS A REASON THOSE GATES ARE THERE!!!!!! Jackass probably thought the gate was there simply to inconvenience them. The really sad thing is the idiot probably has already polluted the gene pool by breeding.

(yes, things like this piss me off)

Hubby wants burgers for dinner, so we'll hit Winco to pick up some burger and buns. My tummy is feeling a bit iffy (too much garlic in the garlic lemon chicken I made for dinner last night and had for lunch). Personally I think a bag of nacho cheese doritos and some cream cheese may do me the trick hehehehehehe I'm more in a noshy mood, not up for an actual meal.

Snow is melting away rapidly, currently 41F outside. They were predicting rain this afternoon, don't think we got any. They are showing snow showers tomorrow with a high of 39F, which means it will be sloppy out.
