Happy Wednesday everyone

The week is ticking along nicely, tho I dearly would love a lot more sleep. Luckily I have all of next week off so I can sleep in to my hearts content.

Christmas day will be a quiet one for us, we may be having dinner at a friends, or we may be staying home. I will be doing my traditional Christmas morning breakfast of eggs, bacon and blueberry muffins. If we don't go out, I'll be cooking a brined turkey. If we do go out, I'll do the bird another day.

Got my tree and it is up and decorated. Drove up to Potlatch last Sat and got it from the boy scouts. They had gotten hammered by the winds on Thursday night, but didn't have two much damage. Got a very nice tree:

So far the cats have been pretty good about leaving it alone. I did put tinsil on, but mostly towards the top and not much where the kitties can get to it. Still no breakable ornaments on it just in case. I need to finish putting up the boughs I cut off the tree and a few of the glass ornaments around the living room and then get the boxes out of the way.

Got a cookie gun for Yule, so I'm going to play with that over the holidays. Definately going to get my bread going next week to. Really got to get back into my FLYing routines, still out of whack on those. I need to make some more laundry soap. I've got the supplies, now I just need to make it, esp since I've barely got enough left to do half a load of laundry.

Will be doing some Christmas shopping tonight after work, then get the gifts put together and shipped out tomorrow (yes I know, last minute as usual. NEXT year I'll get better organized. Yeah right hehehehehehe). Just my mom and aunt and I like making little gift baskets and such. Last year was bath stuff, this year I will do some teas and candles and tea cups and such for a relaxing moment. Mom just moved into a condo and I really don't want to give her a lot of cluttery type stuff that will just gather dust.

Dinner tonight will be something with beef, unless we spot something at Winco we would rather have instead. Last night I baked some chicken thighs and legs in some turkey stock and added pad thai sauce and tom yum paste with some coconut milk. Leftovers for lunch today hehehehehe. Night before I fried up some chicken (not southerned fried, didn't have time or the will to do that. Maybe next week if I get some buttermilk to soack the chicken in) and made some packet turkey gravy and had the last of the mashed potatos I made at thanksgiving and stashed in the freezer.

Looks like it will be cold enough this weekend to unload the deep freeze and get that defrosted and ready for the new year. Good thing to as I will have the carcass from turkey day AND the carcass from the bird I'm doing next week to make stock out of and I will need plenty of rrom to store it in the freezer.


Chimera said…
Cookie gun? Do you shoot at cookies (and if so, what did they ever do to deserve such harsh treatment?)? Or do you shoot the cookies at something else?

I've heard of a spud gun. I actually had one for about ten minutes when I was eight or nine. Then my mother took it. Something about not wanting her 96-piece crockery set to become a mumblety-hundred piece set. But a cookie gun...
JeanC said…
LOL, not quite that kind of gun. It looks like a caulking gun, you fill it with cookie dough and squeeze out cookies.

I never had a spud gun, but my 7th/8th grade science teacher taught how to make tennis ball cannons with tennis ball cans and lighter fluid :D Ahhhh, the lovel 1970s when you could do stuff like tha tin school without people screaming zero tolerance.